Ibrahim Buhari Architects are a London-based practice dedicated to delivering outstanding architecture, with a focus on conceptual clarity, the use of high-quality materials and craftsmanship. Our projects are driven by a commitment to excellence, creating spaces that endure both functionally and aesthetically. We believe in the poetic dimension of architecture and the ability of spaces to engage the senses and create meaningful experiences for their users. Further to this, we believe in the transformative power of architecture to enhance the quality of peoples lives.
We strive to design thoughtful, experiential spaces - both commercial and residential - that are clear, considered and engaging. We extend this approach to the creative direction of arts and cultural projects and the development of design guidance for local authorities, ensuring that our work shapes environments that are both meaningful and impactful.
Ibrahim Buhari BA(Hons) Prof Dip ARB RIBA FRSA is a British-Nigerian architect whose work encompasses architecture, interior design, furniture and design guidance.
Having lead projects at award-winning practices before founding Ibrahim Buhari Architects, Ibrahim brings a wealth of professional experience and expertise to the practice. His diverse career spans roles in both the private and public sectors, including his experience as a Design Officer in an inner-London local authority. Ibrahim’s in-depth knowledge of the planning process, coupled with his passion for high-quality design, informs every aspect of the practice’s work.
In addition to leading the practice, Ibrahim contributes to the architectural profession in several key roles. He serves as a Design Review Panel member for Bromley, Kingston and Brighton councils and he has served as a judge for the prestigious British Home Awards. As a Part III examiner at the Bartlett School of Architecture, Ibrahim helps shape the next generation of architects, drawing on his experience to guide students through the final stages of their professional qualification.